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Top 10 crazy tourist attractions

Attēlu rezultāti vaicājumam “Trolltunga Cliff hd”

Around the world, from Chicago to Arizona to New Zealand to Norway, there are destinations that put any adrenaline junkie's commitment to the test. 
Here are some of the most terrifying tourist attractions around the world.

TOP 10 movies that have ever hit $1 billion at the box office

10. "Iron Man 3" (2013)

10. "Iron Man 3" (2013)
Disney / Marvel
Total gross revenue: $1,214,800,000
Tony Stark swept away comic fans with the third movie of his trilogy, "Iron Man 3." It only took 23 days in the box office for the film to hit $1 billion. If anyone doubted the power of Robert Downey Jr.'s  success as Iron Man before, this movie was the final confirmation of his vital role in Marvel's franchise.

TOP 10 Happy Meal toys every kid from the 90s was obsessed with

10. Mini furbies 

Their eyes were just as creepy as the real ones, but thankfully, these pint-sized plastic versions didn't talk to you.

TOP 10 places to travel in 2017

10. Patagonia, Chile

Patagonia is famous for its jaw dropping natural vistas — from snowy glaciers to steaming hot springs, dense forests to wide open spaces. 2016 saw the opening of a new wilderness area, Parque Patagonia, which you should visit before anyone else even catches on to its existence.

10 forbidden Instagram photos

10. The Sistine Chapel is the highlight of many tourists' visit to the Vatican. 

10 places you're not allowed to visit

10. Area 51

Where: Nevada